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Châteauneuf-du-Pape Réserve Domaine Roger Sabon 2020

Frutti neriVino gastronomicoVino da invecchiamento




This lovely Châteauneuf-du-Pape presents a bouquet of black fruit with hints of green olive and hummus and possesses a generous, silky palate.

Maggiori informazioni

This domain cultivates around 18 hectares in Châteauneuf-du-Pape divided among 14 plots, each with a distinct type of soil producing wines with intricate flavour profiles. The Réserve cuvée is a blend of 80% Grenache, 10% Syrah and 10% Mourvèdre, grown on limestone-clay soil. The hand-harvested grapes are destemmed before being macerating for around a month in concrete and stainless-steel vats. During this period the fermenting juice is removed from the vat, leaving the caps, and then gradually returned to the vat to rehydrate the caps and promote a gentler extraction of the flavours and tannins. After the grapes have been pressed, the wine spends the first six months in concrete or stainless-steel tanks to eliminate the largest lees. The wine then continues to mature in vats, truncated tanks and demi-muids (600 L barrels) for 12 months. The different batches undergo a final blend before bottling.
The Réserve cuvée flaunts a ruby colour with notes of black fruit and hints of green olive and hummus. The mouthfeel is full-bodied and robust, balanced with notes of silky tannins. This wine should be enjoyed within 10 years.

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Presentazione del lotto

Châteauneuf-du-Pape Réserve Domaine Roger Sabon 2020

La cuvée

This domain cultivates around 18 hectares in Châteauneuf-du-Pape divided among 14 plots, each with a distinct type of soil producing wines with intricate flavour profiles. The Réserve cuvée is a blend of 80% Grenache, 10% Syrah and 10% Mourvèdre, grown on limestone-clay soil. The hand-harvested grapes are destemmed before being macerating for around a month in concrete and stainless-steel vats. During this period the fermenting juice is removed from the vat, leaving the caps, and then gradually returned to the vat to rehydrate the caps and promote a gentler extraction of the flavours and tannins. After the grapes have been pressed, the wine spends the first six months in concrete or stainless-steel tanks to eliminate the largest lees. The wine then continues to mature in vats, truncated tanks and demi-muids (600 L barrels) for 12 months. The different batches undergo a final blend before bottling.
The Réserve cuvée flaunts a ruby colour with notes of black fruit and hints of green olive and hummus. The mouthfeel is full-bodied and robust, balanced with notes of silky tannins. This wine should be enjoyed within 10 years.

Informazioni sulla tenuta: Roger Sabon

Fondata nel 1952 da Roger Sabon, la tenuta eponima situata nella denominazione Châteauneuf-du-Pape, dispone di numerose parcelle su diversi terroir e offre quindi una vasta gamma di vini dai profili diversi. I terroir sono costituiti essenzialmente da ciottoli e sabbia, in particolare la safre, un tipo di sabbia fresca e compatta. Questa diversità permette di produrre cuvée molto diverse tra loro. Per i vini rossi, la tenuta punta a trovare un equilibrio perfetto tra la struttura tannica e corposa del vino rosso, l’acidità che produce una freschezza naturale e il volume al palato. I vini rossi di Roger Sabon si distinguono infatti per il carattere fine ed espressivo. Oggi l’azienda è diretta da Denis e suo figlio Julien, che applicano i principi dell’agricoltura sostenibile.

Caratteristiche specifiche

Quantità: 1 bottiglia

Provenienza: tenuta

IVA detraibile:

Cassa in legno/Cofanetto originale: no

Capsula CRD:

Gradazione alcolica: 15 %

Regione: Valle del Rodano

Denominazione: Châteauneuf-du-Pape

Proprietario: Domaine Roger Sabon

Annata: 2020

Colore: rosso

Temperatura di servizio: 15°

Viticoltura: tradizionale Maggiori informazioni…

Superficie: 18 ettari

Intensità del vino: ricco, ampio, armonioso

Aroma dominante: frutti neri

Occasione di degustazione: vino gastronomico

Vitigni: Mourvèdre (Monastrell), Syrah, Grenache (Cannonau)
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