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Weine im Verkauf: Samaroli
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Preisnotierung des Weinguts Samaroli
- Samaroli 1998 Of. Cask n°28.1 - bottled 2013 168€
- Samaroli 2005 Of. Cask n°1&2 - One of 750 - bottled in Scotland in 2014 112€
- S Peaty 1995 Samaroli MCMXCV One of 260 - bottled 2018 91€
- Islay Samaroli One of 580 - bottled 2018 91€
- Samaroli 1991 Of. Cask n°2400 - One of 345 - bottled 2018 221€
- Samaroli 1998 Of. Cask n°2 - One of 330 - bottled 2018 200€
- Samaroli 2000 Of. Barbados Yehmon - One of 584 - bottled 2010 113€
- Samaroli 1999 Of. Brasil Cask n°22-25-48-50 - One of 750 - bottled 2011 119€
- Samaroli 2001 Of. Fiji Cask n°10-24 - One of 550 - bottled 2011 131€
- Samaroli 2004 Of. Haïti Cask n°17 - One of 950 - bottled 2012 107€
- Samaroli 1999 Of. Jamaica Cask n°2-7 - One of 850 - bottled 2012 143€
- Samaroli Of. Evolution 2012 300€
- Samaroli Of. Ferry to Islay Second Edition - bottled 2014 187€
- Samaroli 1993 Of. Grenada Cask n°1278 - One of 320 - bottled 2015 214€
- Samaroli 1999 Of. Nicaragua Cask n°1-19-23 - One of 440 - bottled 2014 149€