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Vins en vente : Chateau la Garde

| 1 résultat
Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

Château la Garde

Château La Garde lies in the commune of Martillac and covers 58 hectares. The white wine grapes have an average age of 15 years; while those for red wine are 20 years old. The vines are planted on fine gravelly hilltops with a vein of clay. "Vins at Vignobles Dourthe" has owned La Garde since 1990 and has done a great deal to improve the property. Depending on the year, a few hectares of the best terroir are reserved fro the production of a cuvée called "Chef d'Oeuvre" ("Masterpiece").

18 (prix actuel)
Les cotes du domaine Chateau la Garde