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        Wine for sale: Jean Ginglinger

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        Jean Ginglinger

        Always reflecting on how to improve what he does, this passionate wine maker here introduces you to the work of his Alsace domain. His wines, biodynamic and natural, have a freshness and finesse that are charming more and more enthusiasts.

        Jean Ginglinger, impassioned by the earth and its vines, comes from a wine making family that goes way back to 1610. He took over the family domain in 1999, steering it precisely in the direction of organics and biodynamics. Since 2012, all of the wines crafted here are natural. A domain composed of 5.5 hectares of vineyards, it produces sparkling wines, whites, and even orange cuvées – the best of the region summed up in one place! These wines are largely dry and coveted for their lovely acidity.