You like iDealwine a little
- Under €500 spent in the past 12 months
- €15 off your first fixed-price order(0)
- €15 for you and your friend(1)
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You like iDealwine a lot
- Over €500 spent in the past 12 months
- €15 for you and your friend(1)
- For every fixed-price purchase, get a credit note worth 3% of the order(2)
- Invitations to iDealwine masterclasses
- The annual auction barometer (digital version)
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Club iDéal
You love iDealwine
- Over €4000 spent in the past 12 months
- €15 for you and your friend(1)
- For every fixed-price purchase, get a credit note worth 5% of the order(2)
- Invitations iDealwine masterclasses and prestige tastings
- The annual auction barometer (digital version)
- Offers from our partners (subscriptions, wine events...)
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You can’t get enough of iDealwine
- Access through frequent purchases and longstanding custom
- €15 for you and your friend(1)
- For every fixed-price purchase, get a credit note worth 5% of the order(2)
- Invitations iDealwine masterclasses and prestige tastings
- The annual auction barometer (sent by post)
- Offers from our partners (subscriptions, wine events...)
- Privates sales
Quintessence for Life
These benefits are for forever!
- Access through frequent purchases and long-standing custom
- €15 for you and your friend(1)
- For every fixed-price purchase, get a credit note worth 5% of the order(2)
- Invitations iDealwine masterclasses and prestige tastings
- The annual auction barometer (sent by post)
- Offers from our partners (subscriptions, wine events...)
- Privates sales
(0) Valid for your first order over €150, excluding shipping fees. Cannot be exchanged for cash.
(1) €15 off the first order for the person you refer. See our referral programme.
(2) Valid for our wines sold at fixed price, sourced directly from domains (recoverable VAT)