In the heart of the Columbian countryside lies Hacienda Coloma, an estate skilfully managed by just one family. After the laws governing rum production and distillation were relaxed by the government in 2005, Alberto Constain Cenzano realized the dream of his father Don Alberto and began creating rums made from the area’s finest local cane juices. In parallel, he also created the country’s first premium coffee liqueur in partnership with two Maestras Roneras.
This Coloma is a single Cask produced by Sandra Reategui and Judith Ramirez, two Colombian maestras roneras with over half a century’’s experience. Distilled in 2007, it was matured in a bourbon cask before being finished for two months in coffee liqueur casks. This is also an anniversary edition, produced to mark not only the 40th anniversary of Hacienda Coloma but also of their business partner Dugas.
Consult price estimate for Hacienda ColomaRegion: Colombia - Colombia
Producers and wineries: Hacienda Coloma
Colour: amber
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