Château Plantey Cru Bourgeois 2002(red)
Château Plantey Cru Bourgeois
About the producer
Plantey has a single block of vines in Pauillac. It is a Cru Bourgeois which offers very fine, classical Pauillacs at still very reasonable prices. It is located on a high, gravelly, undulating plateau, opposite the illustrious Pontet-Canet cru. The average age of the vines is now over 30 years old.
About the wine
Plantey is a very fine classical Pauillac. It is a profound and concentrated wine. The tannins are perfectly integrated, balanced by the proportion of Merlot. This wine should be drunk after 5 to 15 years of aging.
Consult price estimate for Château PlanteyCharacteristics of the producer and cuvée
Region: Bordeaux
Producers and wineries: Château Plantey
Colour: red
Grape variety: Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon
Food and wine pairings: Rouelle de veau, Bavettes aux échalottes, Rognon de veau à la moutarde
Appellation: Pauillac
Classification: Cru bourgeois
Owner: Gabriel Meffre
Service temperature: 16°
The information published above presents the current characteristics of the wine.
They are not vintage specific.
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Price estimate break down for wine Château Plantey Cru Bourgeois 2002
Average price reserved for private individuals +VAT, price stated per bottle size
Price estimate evolution (formate: standard bottle) © S.A. - (price estimate / year)
Current price estimate of 2002 vintage