Nestled in the heart of the renowned Lavinière terroir lies a domain created by scratch by Michel Escande, then just a young winemaker. Although nothing in his background destined him to this vocation, he and his wife threw themselves into their viticulture venture in 1989. Success was not long in wait and the international press were quick to notice and laud their wines. Today the domain covers thirty hectares of sloped plots in the Black Mountains. Michel Escande is now flanked by his two sons; Gabriel takes care of vine growing and making in the cellar, while Maxime is in charge of welcoming visitors and the commercial side of the business.
Produced from character-packed southern grape varieties (Syrah, Grenache and Carignan), La Féline has an intense appearance which reveals notes of highly ripe red berries, aromatic herbs, black olives and figs. Its aromatic generosity contrasts with its refined flavours. Although it is very pleasant when drunk young, it is also made for keeping. The domain has matured this wine in Burgundy pièce barrels and tanks.
Consult price estimate for Borie de MaurelPrice estimate for wine from the same producer
Region: Languedoc
Producers and wineries: Borie de Maurel
Colour: red
Appellation: Minervois
Owner: Borie de Maurel (Domaine)
Service temperature: 16°
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