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        Wine for sale: Lynsolence

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        The Château Lynsolence is a pure Merlot, produced in the commune of Saint Sulpice de Faleyrens, in an area known as Le Bert, on a sandy, very gravelly terroir, on deep gravel. Created in the 19th century the property has always been family-run. It was enlarged by Pierre-Henri Descambe, Denis Barraud's grandfather, who has managed the property since 1971. There are 7 hectares in the Saint Emilion appellation, where low yields and a good terroir enable the production of dense, complex wines, with lovely smooth tannins (Saint-Émilion Haut-Renaissance, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Château Les Gravières and Saint Emilion Grand Cru Lynsolence) and 29 hectares in the Bordeaux appellation (Bordeaux De Lyne, Bordeaux Château de la Cour d'Argent and Bordeaux Clairet De Lyne).


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