Wine for sale: Glentauchers
Glentauchers was built in Speyside by James Buchanan & Co. in 1898, in the midst of the whisky boom. At the time the distillery was used to supply the group’s leading blends Buchanan’s and Black & White. Like many other distilleries at the time, Glentauchers markedly increased its production capacities in 1966 and closed in 1985, in the height of the Whisky Loch. It was bought in 1989 by Allied Distillers, who reopened it in 1992 to supply the Ballantine’s blend. Although an official 12 year old from the 70s exists, as well as a 15 year old launched in 2017, Glentauchers is primarily found at independent bottlers.
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- Glentauchers 15 years Allied Distillers Special Distillery Bottling €30
- Glentauchers 1979 Gordon & MacPhail €68
- Glentauchers 1996 Samaroli Cask n°7839 - One of 230 - bottled 2018 €83
- Glentauchers 1990 Gordon & MacPhail Reserve Cask n°14516 - One of 805 - bottled 2004 LMDW Limited Edition €78
- Glentauchers 1991 Gordon & MacPhail €38
- Glentauchers 20 years 1996 Berry Bros & Rudd Cask Ref 7308 - bottled 2017 €84