Welcome page / Price estimate search / Château Bel Orme Tronquoy de Lalande Cru Bourgeois 1975 (Red)
Château Bel Orme Tronquoy de Lalande Cru Bourgeois 1975(red)
Château Bel Orme Tronquoy de Lalande Cru Bourgeois
About the producer
During the 19th century, the Tronquoy family carried out major works at this property and gave it their name. The château was designed by Victor Louis, the same architect who built Bordeaux's Grand Théâtre, and the arches around the Palais Royale in Paris.
About the wine
Château Bel-Orme-Tronquoy-de-Lalande has a dark colour, an elegant tannic structure and lots of fruit, ensuring that it is capable of ageing for many years.
Consult price estimate for Château Bel Orme Tronquoy de LalandeCharacteristics of the producer and cuvée
Region: Bordeaux
Producers and wineries: Château Bel Orme Tronquoy de Lalande
Colour: red
Grape variety: Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon
Food and wine pairings: Briks à la viande, Lapin en gibelotte, Carré de mouton persillé
Appellation: Haut Médoc
Classification: Cru bourgeois
Owner: Jean-Michel Quié
Service temperature: 16°
The information published above presents the current characteristics of the wine.
They are not vintage specific.
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Price estimate break down for wine Château Bel Orme Tronquoy de Lalande Cru Bourgeois 1975
Average price reserved for private individuals +VAT, price stated per bottle size
Price estimate evolution (formate: standard bottle) © iDealwine.com S.A. - (price estimate / year)
Current price estimate of 1975 vintage
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(past 12 months)
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(past 12 months)