Côte-Rôtie Esprit de Blonde Pierre Gaillard 2020(red)
Côte-Rôtie Esprit de Blonde Pierre Gaillard
About the producer
Pierre Gaillard bought Clos de Cuminaille in Malleval in the early 1980s when he had completed his studies in viticulture and oenology. His passion for wine growing, which was sparked when he was 12, inspired him to establish other vineyards in the South of France, namely Madeloc in Banyuls-sur-Mer in 2002 and Cottebrune in Faugères in 2007. Today he manages 77 hectares of vineyards and always strives to achieve just the right hygiene and temperature conditions to get the best from each harvest, plot and grape variety. His wines are in high demand for their clean and polished character.
Consult price estimate for Pierre GaillardCharacteristics of the producer and cuvée
Region: Rhone Valley
Producers and wineries: Pierre Gaillard
Colour: red
Grape variety: Syrah
Food and wine pairings: Pigeonneau rôti, Poulet sauté aux champignons, Munster
Appellation: Côte-Rôtie
Owner: Pierre Gaillard
Service temperature: 15°
The information published above presents the current characteristics of the wine.
They are not vintage specific.
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Price estimate break down for wine Côte-Rôtie Esprit de Blonde Pierre Gaillard 2020
Average price reserved for private individuals +VAT, price stated per bottle size
Price estimate evolution (formate: standard bottle) © iDealwine.com S.A. - (price estimate / year)
Current price estimate of 2020 vintage