In the Aube village of Polisot, nestled between sloping hills and the Seine valley, Dominique Moreau crafts top quality Champagne at her Domaine Marie Courtin, an estate named after her grandmother. Taking over the running of the farm whilst her husband was away during the First World War, Dominique’s grandmother has inspired her path in life, hence the importance of carrying on her legacy.
The estate’s 2.5 hectares of vineyard, mainly planted with Pinot Noir, are cultivated organically with some biodynamic-inspired practices in the mix. Vinification is classic, with the champagne matured for around 10 months, though this depends on the cuvée. Most of them are vintage champagnes. Exceptionally aromatic, these wines bring together fruit and minerality in harmony.
Dominique Moreau’s work has a global reputation, making a real example of the famous Côte des Bar.
Region: Champagne
Producers and wineries: Marie Courtin
Colour: sparkling rosé
Appellation: Champagne
Owner: Marie Courtin
Service temperature: 9°
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