Welcome page / Price estimate search / Côtes du Jura Vin Jaune Romain - Julien - Charline Labet 2002 (White)
Côtes du Jura Vin Jaune Romain - Julien - Charline Labet 2002(white)
Côtes du Jura Vin Jaune Romain - Julien - Charline Labet
About the wine
An icon of Jura wines, this yellow wine was vinified with indigenous yeasts and matured sous voile in 228-litre containers. This wine has a superb yellow-gold hue and an explosive aromatic bouquet rich in notes of nut, spices, yellow fruits and truffle. The palate is magnified by an acidity which brings it great freshness and ageing potential.
Consult price estimate for Labet (Domaine)Price estimate for wine from the same producer
Characteristics of the producer and cuvée
Region: Jura
Producers and wineries: Labet (Domaine)
Colour: white
Grape variety: Savagnin
Food and wine pairings: Blanquette de veau à la crème, Gratin de potimarron au comté, Risotto au comté et au parmesan
Appellation: Côtes du Jura
Owner: Romain - Julien - Charline Labet
Service temperature: 12°
The information published above presents the current characteristics of the wine.
They are not vintage specific.
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Price estimate break down for wine Côtes du Jura Vin Jaune Romain - Julien - Charline Labet 2002
Average price reserved for private individuals +VAT, price stated per bottle size
Price estimate evolution (formate: standard bottle) © iDealwine.com S.A. - (price estimate / year)
Current price estimate of 2002 vintage
Lowest auction price
(past 12 months)
Highest auction price
(past 12 months)