
Jurançon Sec Uroulat Cuvée Marie Charles Hours 1996(white)
Image on bottom of wine label
Wine label Jurançon Sec Uroulat  Cuvée Marie Charles Hours 1996
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(75cl format)
Jurançon Sec Uroulat Cuvée Marie Charles Hours on sale
Jurançon Sec Uroulat Cuvée Marie Charles Hours
About the producer

Although Charles Hours comes from an old winemaking family, he started out as a scientist and rugby player before buying le Close Uroulat in 1983. In 2005, his daughter joined him, and together they grow three grape varieties: Petit Manseng, Gros Manseng, and a parcel of Petit-Courbu (a native variety of the Pyrenees). The vines are cultivated following biodynamic methods, and benefit from the Foehn, a hot, dry wind from the Pyrenees. The domain is located 28km to the south-west of Pau, around 45km from the nearest ski stations and 80km from the Atlantic ocean.

About the wine

The cuvée Marie is this estate’s dry white wine, something that is rather rare in this land of sweet wines. Gros Manseng often needs to be tamed, given how exuberant it can be: here the perfect balance is achieved, with a small amount of Courbu – a rarely-used, old grape variety – added to inject freshness into the blend. The wine is raised in barrels for ten months, 10% of which are new: their main concern is the lees’ quality as antioxidants. A mineral, tonic wine with a wide array of complex aromas (citrus fruits, white fruits, floral notes).

Consult price estimate for Clos Uroulat
Image on bottom of wine label

Price estimate for wine from the same producer

Characteristics of the producer and cuvée

Region: South-West

Producers and wineries: Clos Uroulat

Colour: white

Grape variety: Gros Manseng
Food and wine pairings: Lasagne de cabillaud aux petits légumes, Poulet grillé, Dos de saumon sur lit de petits légumes à la sauc

Appellation: Jurançon Sec

Owner: Charles Hours

Viticulture: environmentally friendly More information....

Service temperature: 11°

The information published above presents the current characteristics of the wine. They are not vintage specific. This text is corrected by copyright. It is forbidden to copy without prior written consent from the author.
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Current price estimate of 1996 vintage
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Auction history Jurançon Sec Uroulat Cuvée Marie Charles Hours 1996

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