Welcome page / Price estimate search / Banyuls Rimage La Coume Mas Blanc (Domaine du) - Parcé et Fils 1985 (Amber)
Banyuls Rimage La Coume Mas Blanc (Domaine du) - Parcé et Fils 1985(amber)
Banyuls Rimage La Coume Mas Blanc (Domaine du) - Parcé et Fils
About the wine
This complex Banylus that reveals notes of Muscat, is a blend of three grape varieties: 25% Muscat d’Alexandrie, 70% Grenache Blanc, and 5% Malvoisie (Tourbat). Located on land that is exposed to the east, Muscat – a grape variety always slow in ripening – gives the wine a mature profile. The wine is bottled after a three-week maceration and maturation in stainless steel vats. This is a wine that can be kept for years before accompanying a foie gras or a Roquefort.
Consult price estimate for Domaine du Mas BlancPrice estimate for wine from the same producer
Characteristics of the producer and cuvée
Region: Roussillon
Producers and wineries: Domaine du Mas Blanc
Colour: amber
Grape variety: Syrah, Mourvèdre, Grenache
Food and wine pairings: Gateau au chocolat, Bavarois aux œufs, Canette rôtie au miel
Appellation: Banyuls
Owner: Mas Blanc (Domaine du) - Parcé et Fils
Service temperature: 17°
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They are not vintage specific.
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Price estimate break down for wine Banyuls Rimage La Coume Mas Blanc (Domaine du) - Parcé et Fils 1985
Average price reserved for private individuals +VAT, price stated per bottle size
Price estimate evolution (formate: standard bottle) © iDealwine.com S.A. - (price estimate / year)
Current price estimate of 1985 vintage