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Baron Philippe de Rothschild bought this wine in 1933. Neighboring the famous Mouton Rothschild, it belonged since the XVIIth century to the Armailhacq family. Therefore it was called Château Mouton d'Armailhacq. Ij 1956, it was called Château Mouton Baron Philippe, and then in 1975, Château Mouton Baronne Philippe. Since 1989, the Baronne Philippine de Rothschild has renowned it, according to its origin, Château d'Armailhac.
The vineyard with old vines (46 years on average) is located on a gravelly soil and produces powerful and rich wines with long and melted tannins.
Consult price estimate for Château d'Armailhac - Mouton Baron(ne) PhilippeRegion: Bordeaux
Producers and wineries: Château d'Armailhac - Mouton Baron(ne) Philippe
Colour: red
Appellation: Pauillac
Classification: Cinquième Grand Cru Classé
Owner: Famille Rothschild
Service temperature: 16°
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