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        Wine for sale: Worthy Park

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Worthy Park

        Worthy Park was founded in the early 18th century in Lluidas Vale, in the parish of Sainte-Catherine, Jamaica. The estate was used to produce sugar and records show it was producing rum as far back as 1741. It would continue to do so for more than two centuries, before the overproduction of rum in Jamaica led the distillery to close in 1950. The estate, which has seen only three owners throughout its long history, has belonged to the Clarke family since 1918, who were responsible for its reconstruction in 2015, during which it was equipped with a Forsyths double-retort pot still. Production began again shortly after. The company offers its own brands Rum Bar and Worthy Park Gold, and, more recently, Worthy Park Estate.


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