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        Wine for sale: Te Mata Estate Vineyards

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Te Mata Estate Vineyards

        Te Mata was originally a sheep farm, which is hardly surprising as there are sheep in every valley in New Zealand. When Bernard Chambers inherited part of the land in the 19th century, he planted vines on it. The property was bought a century later in 1978 by the Buck and Morris families. The domaine boasts parcels on the northern slopes of three areas of the Hallelock Hills, Woothorpe Terrasse and Bridge Pa Triangle, which are managed in an environmentally friendly manner. Te Mata owes its international reputation to the domaine's oenologist Peter Cowley. Robert Parker referred to it as “the best domaine in New Zealand”. It produces 40,000 cases which are exported to 42 countries.


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