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        Wine for sale: St George

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        St George

        England, Norfolk. Distillery operational. Owner: The Whisky Company.

        The arrival of the new millennium was marked by a fresh wave of openings and re-openings of distilleries across the world. England was no exception. In 2006, the Nelstrop family opened the St George distillery in Norfolk, a region known for its barley farming. It was Ian Henderson, former manager of Laphroaig and former master-distiller for Edradour, who launched the production of whisky at St George and who would become the future master distiller. The first bottlings were new-make spirits not yet 3 years old and therefore unable to use the name “whisky”. Since then, bottlings from the distillery and independent bottlings have jointly contributed to the development and international renown of St George through the release of numerous editions. The most fervent include Cadenhead, The Scotch Malt Whisky Society and Blackadder.


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