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        Wine for sale: Pascal Chevigny

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Pascal Chevigny

        Located between the famous towns of Dijon and Beaune, the estate reflects the history of the Chevigny family. Evidence of the family’s roots in this sun-drenched terroir dates back to 1685. The vines, stretching along the Route des Grands Crus, are carefully cultivated using environmentally friendly methods. In the winery, traditional winemaking methods are also used, with as little intervention as possible. The combination of careful, sustainable viticulture and the meticulous expertise of a passionate winemaker ensures that the estate’s wines are of the highest quality. This region recently hit the headlines when the fabulous Château de Chevigny was acquired by a French entrepreneur who, in love with the country’s heritage and wine, plans to renovate the magnificent building from top to bottom and open it to the public. There is little doubt that this massive influx of visitors will put Pascal Chevigny’s wines on the map, and this is an essential part of any visit to the château.


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