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        Wine for sale: Nowack

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        Based in Vandières, Flavien Nowack joined his parents in the family business in 2011. From the moment he arrived, the young winemaker was full of brilliant ideas for developing and improving the domain. His first wish was to cultivate the land in a more sustainable way, favouring ploughing and banning the use of chemical herbicides. The vineyard is currently undergoing the process of obtaining its organic label. With this in mind, Flavien decided to isolate the finest plots of vines to produce unique, iconic champagnes from each one. In the winery, the young winemaker vinifies the grapes according to traditional methods, with minimum intervention. As a result, Flavien crafts fragrant, authentic cuvées thanks to the indigenous yeasts naturally present in the fruit, without any fining or filtration. The Champagne vineyard ranks among the finest addresses in the region, thanks to its cuvées reflecting all the flavours of this outstanding terroir.


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