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        Wine for sale: Linlithgow

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        Linlithgow (Lowlands) was at one time home to five distilleries, including St Magdalene, which was built in the mid-18th century by Sebastian Henderson. It was bought by Adam Dawson in 1798. In 1912, as the family business A&J Dawson struggled to keep up with the competition and the market’‘s decline, it was liquidated and St Magdalene sold to Distillers Company Limited, which, two years later, joined Scottish Malt Distillers, alongside Rosebank. Like so many other distilleries, it closed in 1983, at the height of the Whisky Loch overproduction crisis that hit the industry in the 1980s. Bottlings of St Magdalene are not easy to come by and are found in Diageo’‘s Special Release and Rare Malts selections, as well as from independent bottlers, often under the name Linlithgow.


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