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        Wine for sale: Les Vins de Vienne

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Les Vins de Vienne

        Yves Cuilleron, Pierre Cuilleron and François Villard had been friends and colleagues for several years when, in 1996, they decided to launch their négociant business, christened “Les Vins de Vienne”. And so their venture began, with just four hectares of vineyard. Wanting to develop their reputation for quality and seeking to retain the spirit of the artisanal winegrowers who inspired them, they began procuring small quantities of grapes gathered from the region's appellations. 1998 saw the release of their first cuvée, Sotanum, and their first ever vintage. Word soon got out and their wines were very quickly found gracing the tables of Michelin restaurants. Another chapter for this house began in 2015 with the arrival of their single-vineyard vintages.


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        Price estimate for Les Vins de Vienne