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        Wine for sale: La Mauny

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        La Mauny

        The history of La Mauny rums dates back to 1749 when the Count of Mauny Ferdinand Poulain arrived in Martinique, where he married the daughter of a plantation owner with a property in Rivière-Pilote and founded Domaine La Mauny. Located in the south of Martinique, the commune of Rivière-Pilote benefits from a unique microclimate in Martinique. This warm and very humid valley experiences less rain and more sunshine than the island average. This, combined with the black clay volcanic soil, gives the cane grown in the grand cru terroir an exceptional sugar content. In 1820, after previously producing only sugar and tafia—a predecessor of rum—the property began developing production of agricole rum from fresh pure sugarcane juice grown at the plantation. A century later, brothers Théodore and George Bellonie bought the estate. Their symbiotic approach—one spending their time at the distillery and the other on sales—quickly turned La Mauny into a true pioneer. In 1950, it became the first brand of rum to export its products to mainland France. La Mauny rum is today an integral part of the Campari group.


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