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        Wine for sale: La Fosseille

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        La Fosseille

        Administered by the Knight Templars for many years, the Domaine de la Foseille is an old farm located between Perpignan and the coastal village of Saint Cyprien. Under Louis XVI, it was managed by a wealthy Roussillon family, and was known as the Mas del Gascon d'Audibert. It was then acquired by the Carcassonne family (who own a lot of the land in the area), the parents of the current owner, Monsieur Clara. In the early 1930s, the property covered a hundred hectares. Following the division of the estate between different branches of the family in 1970, Monsieur Clara was allocated 35 hectares; it was then that he chose the name Domaine de la Foseille, after the stream that runs through the vineyard. The vines are planted on a magnificent terroir formed by alluvial deposits, consisting largely of clay and grey-blue or yellow clayey sand, and broken down debris from the foothills of the Pyrenees. One of the particularities of this area is the presence of excellent micro-terroirs, consisting of rounded pebbles from the Quaternary period in a mainly clay environment. Gradually yielding to tourist infrastructures in this coastal region, the property still has 15 hectares of vines: old Grenache Noir and Grenache Gris, combined with some younger Muscat of Alexandria for the production of Vins Doux Naturels. One of the particularities of the VDNs produced by the Domaine de la Foseille is the high proportion of white grape varieties (about 60%), which give the wines a fine aromatic complexity and powerful aromas.


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