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        Wine for sale: Henry Marionnet

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Henry Marionnet

        Domaine Henry Marionnet, nestling in the heart of Touraine, was established by Kléber Marionnet in 1921. Three generations of winemakers have succeeded one another at the head of this precious French winegrowing heritage. The domain is renowned worldwide for cultivating unique vines that are between 180 and 200 years old. It also has the particularity of working with grape varieties that are almost extinct, Gamay de Bouze and Romorantin. The winemaker currently cultivates around 58 hectares of vines, including Gamay and Sauvignon. Each parcel receives specific care depending on its needs, to allow the personality of each one to shine through. In the winery, vinification involves very little intervention, and sulphur is used in minute quantities to allow the fruit to express all its aromas naturally. The domain produces unique, rare and fragrant wines, reviving the history of French winegrowing through magnificent grape varieties that have long disappeared. 


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