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        Wine for sale: Fabrice Vigot

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Fabrice Vigot

        Fabrice Vigot and his wife Christine decided to establish their estate in the early 1990s to make their own cuvées. The estate took was given the name it bears today in 1996. Christine inherited over two hectares of vines in Vosne Romanée, Gevrey Chambertin and Nuits Saint-Georges from her parents, who were winegrowers at Domaine Bernard Martin-Noblet. One of their first goals was to manage their vines using organic viticulture practices. They have also discovered biodynamic viticulture in recent years, a method they embrace wholeheartedly and intend to apply to their land. In the winery, the carefully harvested and sorted fruit is processed in a traditional, low-interventionist way. The family tradition lives on through the production of authentic cuvées that reflect the diversity and character of the Burgundy terroir.


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