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        Wine for sale: Demerara - Port Mourant

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Demerara - Port Mourant

        The Port Mourant distillery was built in 1732 and closed in 1955. Its double pot still built from Guyanese wood—Chlorocardium Rodiei (Greenheart), generally used for shipbuilding due to its good water resistance, which offers properties similar to copper for purifying sulphur compounds—was moved to Albion when Port Mourant closed, then Uitvlugt, and finally Diamond when Uitvlugt closed in 1999. It is known for producing a heavy, oily rum, bringing lots of relief to the famous navy rums so dear to the Royal Navy.


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        Price estimate for Demerara - Port Mourant