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        Wine for sale: Chugoku-Jozo

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        Founded in 1918 near the Japanese city of Hiroshima, the Chugoku Jozo company initially specialized in the production of sake, shochu and fruit liqueur. In 1990, it decided to launch its own whisky brand named Togouchi. As the distillery does not produce whisky on site (the single malt comes from Scotland and the grain whisky from Canada), only part of the maturation and blending is completed in their warehouses. The warehouses themselves are housed in a former railway tunnel where the consistent humidity and temperatures enable the spirit to age in ideal conditions. Once they reach their ideal aged, Togouchi whiskies are diluted with spring water from Sandan-kyō, a tributary of the River Ōta.


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