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        Wine for sale: Charles Antonin

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Charles Antonin

        The history of this family business, steeped in tradition and innovation, began when Charles Antonin joined his father, Maurice, owner of a major Burgundy wine distribution company. In 1986, at the young age of 25, his love for the region’s terroir led him to set up his own company to distribute and age the finest Burgundy wines. Encouraged by his success and soon joined by his brother Daniel, Charles acquired his first plots of vines in Gevrey Chambertin and Pommard Créant. Over the years, as they developed friendly relations with their winegrowing partners, they decided to extend their range by acquiring Premier and Grand Crus from some of the region’s finest appellations. Charles and Daniel have chosen not to export their wines, reserving their finest cuvées for their loyal clientele, capturing the essence of the region they love so much.


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