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        Wine for sale: Château de Lacquy

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Château de Lacquy

        Château de Lacquy has produced Armagnac since 1711, making it the oldest family-owned producer in Armagnac. Gilles de Boisséson, who runs the estate today, is the tenth generation of the family to produce the spirit. The château was bought in the 18th century for this purpose, when demand for Cognac and Armagnac was high in the United Kingdom and Scandinavia. The property stands out for its primary focus on Baco Blanc and Folle Blanche grapes, as well as a little Colombard. The vineyard’s owners deemed these varieties the best adapted to the tawny sands found here, which are typical of Bas-Armagnac.


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