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        Wine for sale: Château Soucherie

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        Château Soucherie

        Seasoned businessman and lover of wine and wide open spaces, Roger-François Béguinot decided one day to invest in this domaine in the Loire. He bought Château Soucherie in 2007 and renamed it Domaine. Located 25km from Angers, it boasts 28 hectares of Savennières, Coteaux-du-Layon, Anjou and Chaume appellations. Assisted by his young technical director Thibaud Bodignon, he is giving a new lease of life to his soil and vines. Together, they are producing unpretentious wines which are perfectly true to type. The reds are sought after for their deliciously juicy, crisp and indulgently rich profile. They have risen to the challenge with great flair, and quality is rising year on year. Definitely a vineyard to watch very closely!


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