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        Wine for sale: Bisquit

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        Bisquit was founded in Jarnac in 1819 by Alexandre Bisquit, the heir to a family who had produced cognac since the 17th century. The house was a great success and Alexandre Bisquit, who became the mayor of Jarnac in 1848, travelled to introduce his cognacs abroad, in Europe, China and Russia. The group was bought in 1966 by Paul Ricard, the future founder of the Pernod Ricard group. Since 2009, Bisquit has been owned by the Distell group, who moved the business to Château Pellisson in Cognac, which was renovated by architect Gilles Rosier in 2012.


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