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        Wine for sale: Barton

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        United States, Kentucky, Bardstown. Distillery operational. Owner: Sazerac Company Inc.Founded in 1889, the Tom Moore distillery was forced to closed in 1920 when the 18th amendment to the Constitution was voted in and Prohibition declared in the United States through the Volstead Act. Con Moore took over from his father in 1933, but just a few months later the distillery was sold to Harry Teur, who decided to completely renovate the site. In 1944, it was bought by two whisky traders from Chicago, Lester Abelson and Oscar Getz, who also owned Barton Brands. They decided to rename the site Barton Distillery. Oscar Getz and his brother-in-law not only developed sales of the distillery's historic brand, Tom Moore bourbon, but also created new brands, including Kentucky Gentleman bourbon. Today, Barton Distillery belongs to the family-owned, American company Sazerac.


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        Price estimate for Barton