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        Wine for sale: Adrien Berlioz

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Adrien Berlioz

        The story of this estate started in 2006 when Adrien Berlioz moved to Savoy. A younger cousin of his neighbour Gilles Berlioz, the winemaker has been producing cuvées packed with vitality and authenticity from his five hectares of vines applying biodynamic principles since 2012. The vineyard, located in Chignin, includes a rich variety of terroirs and plots of land, and multiple grape varieties allowing for the production of wines with highly distinct aromas. The soil is regularly tilled by hand and grass cover is applied to ensure each vine draws all the nutrients and minerals it requires from the earth. The grapes are harvested at optimum ripeness and vinified in stainless steel vats to preserve their energy and freshness. Interventions and the use of sulphur are also kept to a minimum. Adrien Berlioz is undoubtedly a winemaker of excellence, who produces superb wines with an authentic Savoyard identity.


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