Collection Krug on sale
Collection Krug
About the producer

When Johann-Joseph Krug founded Maison Krug in 1843, he dreamed of attaching his name to a unique champagne. He set one simple rule – never cut corners. Today, six generations later, he would be proud of the stubborn perfectionism that still rules the creation and development of his champagne. Krug is one of the few champagne houses to only produce prestige cuvées. The worldwide reputation of this outstanding champagne is based on a rare expertise that combines patience with excellence. The rigorous selection process begins with choosing the three varieties that will go into the complex blends created at Krug. Krug is also the only top brand to fully ferment it champagnes in small oak barrels. It is this delicate process that creates champagnes with intense aromas and rich and complex tastes. Finally, as a model case in Champagne, Krug ages its wines for a minimum of 6 to 8 years. The reward for this is exceptional maturity and longevity. Krug champagnes are one-of-a-kind, standing out above all others and at the peak of what champagne can be.

About the wine

Krug Collection represents the last bottles of an exceptional vintage, carefully preserved in the Krug cellars. These particularly rare wines bear witness to the legendary longevity of Krug champagnes. The first Krug fermentation in small oak barrels, encouraging the wine's slow natural development, allows Krug vintages to remain almost eternally fresh and full of vitality. At the same time, they go through different life cycles, during which the taste balance changes as each aroma intensifies. In Krug Collection, aromas of toasted brioche, vanilla and caramel become more noticeable, followed by dried fruit, honey and coffee, and lastly truffles. Krug Collection bottles and magnums are all numbered in descending order as they are made available for sale.

Consult price estimate for Krug
Image on bottom of wine label

Price estimate for wine from the same producer

Characteristics of the producer and cuvée

Region : Champagne

Producers and wineries : Krug

Colour : sparkling white

Grape variety : Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir
Food and wine pairings : Pommes de terre fourrées aux truffes, Foie gras de canard, Soupe de homard breton

Appellation : Champagne

Owner : Krug

Viticulture : conventional More information....

Service temperature : 10°

The information published above presents the current characteristics of the wine. They are not vintage specific. This text is corrected by copyright. It is forbidden to copy without prior written consent from the author.
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Price estimate break down for wine Collection Krug 1981
Average price reserved for private individuals +VAT, price stated per bottle size Price estimate evolution (formate: standard bottle) © S.A. - (price estimate / year)
Current price estimate of 1981 vintage
Auction history Collection Krug 1981

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